Refund and cancellation policy

You may not access, use, export, re-export, transfer, transfer or disclose any part of the Services or any relevant technical information or material, directly or indirectly, in violation of any trade sanctions imposed by the State of Kuwait and other applicable countries.

You agree not to upload any content or technology – including information about encryption – that is specially controlled under these laws.

Settlement of disputes

In the event of a dispute; Our support team is happy to help solve the problem, if this does not work and you live in Kuwait or the Gulf States. Your choices are to go to the Court of Minor Litigation or sue in binding arbitration, and you may not file this claim in another court or participate in a non-individual class action against us.

This dispute resolution section applies only if you live in Kuwait or Gulf States, and most disputes can be resolved; So before filing a formal legal action; Please first try to contact our support team.

10.1 Small Claims

Any of us can sue in the Court of Minor Proceedings in (a) the State of Kuwait (b) the country in which she lives, or (c) another place which we agree upon together, as long as we are eligible to submit to that Court.

10.2 Going to Arbitration

If we cannot resolve our dispute amicably; You agree and are trained to resolve any claims relating to these terms – or our other legal terms – through final and binding arbitration, regardless of the type of claim or legal theory.

If one of us sues in court in which arbitration is required and the other party refuses arbitration; The other party could ask the court to compel us to go to arbitration (obligation to arbitrate).

Any of us can also ask the court to cease court proceedings during the arbitration procedure.

10.3 Arbitration Process

Any disputes involving a claim under USD 10,000 must be resolved exclusively through binding arbitration that is not based on habeas corpus.

The party choosing to arbitrate must commence proceedings by submitting the arbitration application to the Kuwaiti Arbitration Society.

Arbitration proceedings are governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Kuwait Arbitration Society, the Consumers’ Legal Procedure Protocol and the Supplementary Consumer Dispute Settlement Procedure.

No class action

We both agree that we can only bring cases against the other on an individual basis, which means: –

(a) None of us can sue as a plaintiff or collective member in a class action, a consolidated action or a representative proceeding.

(b) The arbitrator cannot combine the claims of several persons in a single case or preside over any unified, collective or representative proceeding.

(c) An arbitral decision or judgement in the case of a single person that can affect only that user, not other users, and cannot be used to resolve other users’ disputes, and if the court determines that this “no class action” clause is not enforceable or valid; This “dispute resolution” section will be null and void, but the rest of the clauses will remain in effect.

10.5 Changes

Notwithstanding the section “Update these conditions” below; If Trainee changes this “dispute resolution” section after the last date on which I indicated acceptance of these Terms; You may refuse any change by giving written notice of such refusal by mail or hand delivery to Kuwait City. Al-Marqab, National Market Office 412) and by e-mail from the email address associated with your account to ([email protected]), within 30 days of the date of entry into force of this change, as explained by the “latest update” language above.

for the notice to be valid; It should include your full name and clearly indicate your intention to reject changes made to the “dispute resolution” section.

Update These Terms

From time to time, we may update these conditions to clarify our practices or to reflect new or different practices; Such as when we add new features, Trainee reserves the right to modify and/or make changes to these Terms, at its sole discretion at any time.

If we make any material change; We will notify you of the use of prominent means, such as sending an email notification to the email address specified in your account or by posting a notice through our services, and modifications will take effect on the day of their publication unless otherwise stipulated.

Your continued use of our services after the changes have become effective means that you accept these changes, and any terms reviewed must replace all the above.